Nome- Siril
Cognome -Malamakkal Thomas ,Provincia della provenienza- Kerala, India
Appartenenza -Congregazione Missionaria del Santissimo Sacramento,
MCBS Dopo 12 anni di formazione sacerdotale , ho completato prima laurea di belle arti da
College of art Nuovo Delhi, dopo sono stato traferito a Ortona vicino Pescara come vice
parroco per due anni. Dopo questo periodo a masters all Accademia di
belle arti ,Bologna essendo il v. parroco a Lugo in Emiglio Romagna.He then arrived in Brissago and now, in the Amici dell'Arte Gallery, he holds his first solo exhibition that he wanted to call LOOKS FROM THE WINDOW, EXTERIOR AND INTERIOr
He divided the gallery into two parts: one dedicated to the outside and the other to the inside.
In the first part there are the works he painted looking at the outside that he sees from his window, the changes that take place in the clouds and the mountains, the majesty and the overabundance of the landscape, the scenes of beauty...
In the part dedicated to the interior there is the look into personal and inner life, here everyone becomes the seed that burns and sprouts, there is conflict, the dichotomy of human existence. The cloud becomes a sign of existential evaporation

Our vision
we Will find an inclusione of not many pages biggining from -sketches ,paintings , the photos which are mainy divided in landscape and birds ..
Our mission
wha a website/my visione to create the website is to make walk people walk with me in my and our artistic and spiritual Journey..are they separate ?..according to me ,are not. so it is a platform of self Realisation or self actualizone ...
Esther Bryce
Founder / Interior design
Lianne Wilson
Jaden Smith
Jessica Kim